Friday, April 3, 2015

Today I would like to tell you about my favorite TV series called ‘Sherlock Holmes’, which is, in my opinion, captivating and worth seeing. Sherlock Holmes is based on Sherlock Holmes stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. The stories gained incredible popularity all over the world. This mystery series was released in 2010. So far, only nine episodes divided into three seasons have been produced. According to Guinness World Records Book, Sherlock Holmes is the "most portrayed movie character", with more than 70 actors playing the part in over 200 films. I assure you that this TV series gets viewers interested and also keeps them in suspense. We are so curious about what will happen next that we can't unglue our eyes from the screen. This TV series is set in the contemporary London. The protagonists are, of course, titular Sherlock Holmes and his best friend Watson, who helps him to solve mystery cases. The figure of Gregory House is inspired on Sherlock Holmes. They both have a great ability of deduction and just by looking at the people, they can say a lot of details about their lives. They are also arrogant and sarcastic. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Hugh Laurie should be listed among the actors playing the iconic detective, together with Benedict Cumberbatch and the two hundred others. He even had his own Dr Watson (or Wilson, to be precise). ;)
